Where you found great resource to learn SEO.
Google Webmaster Guidelines
Following these guidelines will help Google find, index, and rank your website.
Matt Cutts' Official Blog
Matt Cutts works for the Search Quality group in Google, specialising in search engine optimisation issues
Search Engine Land
A provider of news and information site covering search engine marketing, searching issues and the search engine industry
Search Engine Watch
a provider tips and information about searching the web, analysis of the search engine industry
Search Engine Strategies
A provider of conferences that educate delegates
on search engine marketing (SEM), including SEO, advertising strategies,
tactics and best practices
A place whre you can improve your digital marketing and e-commerce.
SEO Bullshit
A place where myths are busted, crap called out and healthy discussions take place
Wired Sussex
Wired Sussex works with digital media companies of all sizes helping them to develop and grow
SEMPO is a global non-profit organization serving
the search engine marketing industry and marketing professionals
engaged in it.
SEOmoz is a popular provider of SEO software
SEO Chat
A provider of search engine optimisation information and SEO chat forum